More workers died in construction than any other sector according to the Health and Safety Executive’s provisional figures for workplaces in Great Britain in 2022/23 which were released on the 6 July
A total of 135 workers died in work-related accidents in Great Britain in 2022/23, according to the HSE’s data. The latest figure is an increase of 12 on the 123 workers who sustained fatal injuries in 2021/22.
The number of workers killed in construction was more than double that in agriculture, forestry and fishing.
The construction (45) and agriculture, forestry and fishing (21) sectors continue to account for the greatest number of workers killed in fatal accidents each year.
In the recent years prior to the coronavirus pandemic, the number of annual fatalities had been broadly flat. In 2022/23 the number of annual deaths remain broadly in line with pre pandemic levels
In Manufacturing there were 15 fatal injuries whch is a decrease of 7 from the previous year. Transportation and storage saw a decrease of 1 to the previous years total of 16.
The HSE’s data also reveals that 33 of the deaths were workers aged 60 or over. Whilst fatal injuries to workers are predominately to male workers.
In 2022/23, 40 fatal injuries were due to falls from a height accounting for 30% of all worker deaths over the year.
Struck by moving vehicle accounted for 20 fatal injuries to workers in 2022/23, representing 15% of the total number of deaths over the year.
21% (29) of the fatal injuries in 2022/23 were caused by struck by moving, including flying/falling, object.
Rate of fatal injury per 100,000 workers.
Over the long-term, the rate of fatal injury to workers showed a downward trend, though in the recent years prior to the coronavirus pandemic the rate had been broadly flat. The current rate is similar to pre-coronavirus levels
68 members of the public were also killed in work-related accidents in 2022/23. This is a decrease of 20 fatalities from last year’s 88 deaths and is statistically significantly below the pre-pandemic level.
Source HSE
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