Is flexibility your new approach?
If, because of the pandemic, you have changed your workplace to offer flexibility to your team or simply to help reduce the risk of COVID spread have you considered all the important elements to keep everyone safe?
What have you put in place for your first aid provision?
‘The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 require you to provide adequate and appropriate first-aid equipment, facilities and people’ is the guidance from the HSE.
What is adequate and appropriate though?
Well that depends on a range of factors but as a very minimum it’s essential you have a nominated person (who is ideally first aider trained) to take charge of first aid provision plus a fully stocked and up to date first aid kit on site at all times.
What is a first aider?
Put simply it is someone who has completed recognised training and have kept their basic skills up to date. There are a few course that are acceptable for training a person to become a first aider. Finding an appropriate trainer is down to your business needs; one to do with several employees onsite or send a person offsite for example.
It’s all in the risk
Understanding whether you MUST have a first aider on site is down to the activities that are undertaken at your workplace.
For example what are your hazards, how many people are on site at any given time, what is your accident / injury history. These are all part of what forms whether you MUST have a first aider on site at all times or not.
There’s a check list from the HSE which we’ve included in the blog (grab screen dump) but if you’d like guidance we’re here to offer our advice.